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2012. 7. 31. 20:27
2010. 05. 5.에 samels1984 님이 올린 동영상
창동중학교 3학년 13반 학생들이 협동하여 만든 그림동화판 영어교과서입니다.
두산(김) 중3 4과 Communication Across Generation의 본문 83쪽부터 84쪽 중반까지 제작한 것입니다.
목소리는 3-13반 박새한솔, 박재원 학생, 이유영 학생이 녹음하였으며
그림 제작 및 동영상 편집은 3-13반 이유영 학생이 하였고
총체적인 기술지원은 3-3반 윤성호 학생이 하였습니다.
다양한 버전으로 학생들이 제작한 영어교과서를 보고 있는데 게임이나 드라마
편집을 하여서 만든 것도 굉장히 보는 재미가 있었지만 이렇게 아날로그의
느낌이 나는 버전도 정말 좋네요.
창동중학교 학생들의 능력의 끝은 정말 어디까지일지 궁금할 따름입니다.
창동중학교 최고!
(P. 83) Communication Across Generations
Do you think your parents and you understand each other well? Have you ever felt that your parents and other adults do not understand you? Well, here are a short report in a recent newspaper and some of the readers' opinions about it. What do you think of a report like this? Whose opinion do you agree with most?
Six Girls Taken to the Hospital at Pop Star HOD's Concert
Yesterday, six girls were taken to the hospital from pop star HOD's concert. The concert was planned to begin at 3 o'clock p.m., but some fans began to show up as early as 6 o'clock a.m. By 9 o'clock, nearly two thousand fans gathered and waited under the hot summer sun. By the time the concert began, many of the girls had been standing in line for about nine hours. So, it is not surprising that several girls fell down from heatstroke. The girls were taken to a nearby hospital and had to stay there until their parents came to pick them up. When a reporter asked one mother about this, she said, "I always do my best to understand my daughter, but sometimes it's very hard."
(P. 84) 1. Tooconserv@teen.net
Although I am a teenager, sometimes even I cannot understand some of my friends. They skip classes to go see their favorite stars, and they spend so much of their time following their every little move.
Besides, there are so many teenagers who want to become stars themselves. Some of them are really serious, but often they just don't want to study and want to have an easy life. I think young students need to study harder to prepare for the future.